Welcome to supa-cart 👋
A supabase powered react app for store inventory management submitted for supabase bring-the-func hackathon
Homepage || Live Demo
Technologies and Services Used
Get Started
This simple app powered by supabase is a store inventory management software. Designed with love using SaaS UI - @saas-js
SupaCart uses Supabase to handle authentication (signup/signin/forgot password) and also for realtime data.
You can run your own instance by typing the commands below in your terminal.
gh repo clone elcharitas/supa-cart
cd supa-cart
yarn dev
How to Use SupaCart
To see Supa Cart in action, Watch this Loom Recording
Where was Supabase Used?
Supabase was used throughout most of the application. However more concisely, to handle
- Authentication - Made easy with SaaS UI
- Realtime Database - Storing and Retrieving Shop Keepers, Products in Warehouse, Sales etc
Team Members (1)
elcharitas jonathanirhodia@gmail.com
- Twitter: @iamelcharitas
- Github: @elcharitas
- LinkedIn: @elcharitas
SupaCart using supabase works so easily and thanks to SaaS UI having a support for supabase by default, creating auth pages is quite seamless too. In the future I hope to add more specifics to SupaCart
- User Avatars
- Personalized Stores
- Shop Keepers access Stores
- Track Inventory
- Track Sales
- Generate Reports as PDFs
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