Krypto Koffee
a web3fied connecting helping creators receive support from their audience
Krypto Koffee is a decentralized payment bridge for web3 content creators. It is a web3fied version of which allows content creators receive support from their audience in cypto(USDC)
Krypto Koffee is a decentralized crowd funding dApp designed to help creators monetize their audience, fans and followers. It will allow creators to grow and get rewarded for their effort in building a loyal community of connected users who share and engage with them on their platform.
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Tracks Submitted
- Coinbase Challenge 1 x 2
- IPFS/Filecoin integration
- Storage Wizard
- WorldCoin ID
- Web3fy Web2 product
Technologies Used
- Coinbase Wallet integration
- WorldID for zk verification
- and w3name for IPFS
- React/NextJS for Frontend
- MUI for UI Framework
- ethers.js lib amongst many others
Challenges encountered
- Coinbase Wallet bugs at times when metamask is also installed(we had to uninstall metamask)
- The world id docs is straightforward. we found an easy way to integrate it. Although, WorldID can be very slow in verification and at first, we thought it was a bug on our side. In future iterations, we intend to create a custom integration of WorldID.
- Setting up IPFS for access only storage was a bit troublesome. We had to implement a accessKey generator. This access key could then be used by users to update their profile. WIthout an access key, updating profiles becomes impossible.
- Issues also came up with saving files. We needed to save the files with specific file names. Thanks to Jenks whose code helped with this