js dot

dot notation selector much similar to lodash.get but smaller and faster...

Welcome to js-dot 👋

Version Documentation Maintenance License: MIT Twitter: elcharitas huntr.dev

JavaScript dot notation handler

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$ npm i -D js-dot


const jsDot = require('jsdot')

const data = {
  foo: {
    "bar": {
      "sample": "jsDot"

// ======== Get Data ========
jsDot.get(data, "foo.bar.sample") // outputs "jsDot"
// ---- or -----
data.dot("foo.bar.sample") // outputs "jsDot"

// ======== Get Data with default ========
jsDot.get(data, "foo.nofoo", "foo") // outputs "foo"

// ======== Set Data ========
jsDot.set(data, "foo.bar", "bar")
// ----- or ------
data.dot("foo.bar", "bar")
console.log(data.foo.bar.sample) // undefined


👤 Jonathan Irhodia

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📝 License

Copyright © 2020 Jonathan Irhodia.
This project is MIT licensed.

Designed and developed by  Jonathan Irhodia  © 2024